Joy Easy Setup Ultimate Closet Rolling Rack With Basket Set Up

We researched hundreds of organizing tools sold through Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, The Container Shop, IKEA, Target, and other retailers. Nosotros looked closely at reviews, making a few picks based on those. Jackie Reeve spent 11 hours evaluating installed closet systems in stores and afterward tested our seasonal-storage items in her own home. Alex Arpaia used a small closet in her New York Urban center apartment to put our storage-maximizing accessories to the exam. For the 2022 update, Katie Okamoto spent about a year researching new organizing options and testing several of our small cupboard picks in Los Angeles.

A Wirecutter writer holding several pieces of clothing in front of a closet set up with several closet organizing implements.

Our writers tested organizing tools in their ain closets to encounter how well they worked in real life. Photo: Michael Hession

Everyone we spoke with stressed that the starting time step to creating an efficient, organized closet is to take stock of what's inside, and to get rid of annihilation you don't love or utilize regularly. You don't need to dramatically pare downwards your wardrobe, but effort not to permit items you never utilise take up valuable closet space. Naeemah Ford Goldson, founder of the National Association of Black Professional Organizers, suggests a quick rule of pollex for bidding adieu to items that might have outlived their welcome: If yous haven't worn it in a year, donate it. ("Because of the pandemic, I'll let people slide with 2 years," she says.) And if something doesn't fit or reflect who you are today, donate it. Our experts likewise offered the following tips for organizing closets of whatsoever size:

  • Consider your goals: Ask why yous're taking this on, whether information technology's decluttering, saving fourth dimension, or aesthetics. "Once you lot know the reason why you want to become organized, it's easier to find a method that will work best for your needs," says Goldson.
  • Accept stock earlier you purchase: Once you've gotten rid of what y'all don't want, take a hard look at what remains, and brand a plan for the best manner to store it. Organizer Beth Penn told us that until yous've taken inventory, you won't know what kind of storage y'all'll need, and you may finish up buying bins and boxes that don't actually piece of work for you.
  • Choose streamlined organizing tools: Especially for a small area, invest in the most space-efficient storage tools you can find. Look for items like slim hangers and shelf dividers, rather than bulky wooden hangers or bins with drawers that take up more space.
  • Keep things visible and attainable: Debbie Harwin told us she recommends choosing organizers that make it uncomplicated to see and access everything in your closet. For example, information technology's easier to see sweaters when they're separated by shelf dividers, as opposed to stacked away in boxes. Try to requite everything a place to live, especially items like shoes, which can become disregarded.
  • Take advantage of "institute storage": Julie Morgenstern suggested using hooks inside doors, to gain more hanging infinite, and grouping long-hanging and short-hanging article of clothing together, to free up a chunk of floor below the shorter pieces.
  • Use vertical space: Not everything that yous've been hanging must be hung, says Katrina Dark-green. Sometimes folding and storing in shelving will complimentary up valuable space for what does truly need to live on a hanger.
  • Dress rehearse: Green suggests testing out new methods of storing for at least a couple weeks before buying products for a new organizing system. That might mean folding shirts away into paper-thin boxes before investing in new bins, for instance. "If you discover that it is causing you more stress than relieving y'all of information technology, and so it'due south time to look for another organization," she says.
  • Be patient: Getting organized is a process, and it takes time, says Goldson. "Don't be as well hard on yourself. The clutter didn't accrue in a day, so information technology will take more than than a mean solar day to get information technology under control."
  • Exist loving: Organizing tin be stressful, and information technology tin can bring up a lot of emotions. Rebekah Bashorun, founder of Organize for Dear, says to be compassionate with yourself and where you lot are in your organizing process, and to "give yourself grace."

Last but not least, Bashorun says not to delay organizing but because you feel like your electric current living state of affairs is temporary. She says she's lived in her share of less-than-ideal situations, and information technology taught her to treat every infinite she'due south in with the same intendance. She advises getting started, no thing how curt-term your situation may seem, since the habits you grade at present tin can carry over—and disorganized habits rarely flip as soon as you motion to your dream home.

The streamlined accessories in this section are designed to squeeze more space out of closet rods, shelves, drawers, and floors. For most people to get a small closet in order, all it should take is a couple of these recommendations and a few hours.

Hanging closet organizers

A photo of a closet containing a hanging closet organizer hanging from a metal rod.

Our choice

Most of our experts warned against material hanging organizers suspended from closet bars, noting that they tend to get saggy and assemble dust. But Katrina Green, a professional organizer and interior designer (licensed in the Philippines), believes there is a place for them in very small spaces, since they allow you to make more than efficient use of your vertical space than if you rely solely on clothes hangers. Because they are a common, quick, and affordable way to add together storage to a tight closet, nosotros researched 14 and tested three promising options. And we think The Container Store's half-dozen-Compartment Canvas Hanging Sweater Organizer could be useful for storing linens or keeping folded clothes in gild. Information technology's well made, with deep, broad cubbies that can fifty-fifty accommodate shoe boxes.

The hooks of the Container Store's hanging organizer on a bar.

The Container Store's hanging organizer has wider, more-stable hooks than any other model nosotros tested, and we remember that makes it less likely to tip when it's stuffed full. Photo: Sarah Kobos

The six-shelf version of this Container Store organizer is fifty inches long, then it may almost reach your floor, depending on the height of your cupboard rod. Nosotros similar this organizer's size and shelving, whose compartments should hands adapt sweaters, folded sheets, or towels. The fair cotton canvas is a bit on the thin side, just we're confident it's durable. As of March 2022, our domicile editor has been testing the hanging organizer for a little over three years, "packing information technology to the brim," and information technology's as sturdy equally ever: "I'm legit impressed." The Container Store also sells a smaller, three-compartment choice if yous don't demand as much infinite.

A common annoyance with hanging organizers is their trend to tilt forward when you lot grab items. The Container Shop organizer's hooks are more stable than those of competitors nosotros've tested: The triangular hooks' broad base helps prevent the shelves from tilting frontward or backward if the weight inside is unevenly distributed. But tilting still occurs, although it seems to vary depending on how you fill the organizer's shelves. Our long-term tester has noticed little if any tilting. But another tester, who filled it with sweaters and shoes, found that grabbing one detail sometimes caused the organizer to tip forward, causing items from other shelves to slide out—particularly heavier items, like shoes. For the category, however, nosotros recall this is a good-quality, functional choice that will assistance solve a problem for under $25.

We also tested StorageWorks and Uncomplicated Houseware organizers, both popular on Amazon, but each had flimsy shelves that too hands folded in half during testing, rendering them useless. Both organizers were made of a cheap-feeling microfiber-type textile that was rough and scratchy. In a future circular, we may test organizers from Sonyabecca and MONINXS, two options that Greenish suggested.

Closet-rod extender

A photo of the ClosetMaid Double Hang Closet Rod hanging from a metal rod in a closet.

Photograph: Michael Hession

Our pick

Closet-rod extenders are a useful add-on to any closet in which you desire to maximize vertical hanging space: A second closet rod hangs beneath your built-in rod to double the number of items y'all tin can hang. In theory, they should be easy to set up up and to use. In reality, most rod extenders are junk. We considered viii rods and tested three: the ClosetMaid Double Hang Cupboard Rod, the DecoBros Adjustable Hanging Cupboard Rod, and the Umbra Dublet Adjustable Closet Rod Expander. Of the iii nosotros tested, the ClosetMaid rod was the only 1 nosotros wouldn't immediately regret ownership. It's piece of cake to adjust in a variety of ways, and, dissimilar most others we saw, information technology comes preassembled.

The ClosetMaid rod, which is made of powder-coated steel, beat the balance largely considering of its durable and easily adjustable nylon straps, which adhere to your existing closet rod, whatever diameter it may be. You can adjust the suspended rod to any height—from around twenty inches to 37 inches beneath the top rod—by sliding the clip up or down, so it's useful for everything from kids wearing apparel to adult shirts.

Like other organizers designed to hang from a closet rod, the rod will swing, which can make information technology annoying to use, especially for folks who tend to grab outfits in a hurry. The rod is most stable when it'due south full of clothes; otherwise, we establish it to be extremely swingy with even the lightest touch. Depending on the style of hangers you utilize, y'all may notice your clothes on the flooring more often than you'd similar. And this extender works best if you're hanging it from a rod that's at to the lowest degree 5 and a half feet higher up the floor; otherwise, your dress may drag on the bottom of the closet, even with the strap adjusted to its shortest length.

A closer look at the ClosetMaid double hang closet rod

Sturdy nylon straps adapt the height of the hanging bar to accommodate the length of your dress. Yous tin can also expand the hanging bar and move the nylon straps farther apart. Photo: Michael Hession

The ClosetMaid's construction is far more than versatile than that of the extender we tested from DecoBros, which has a set number of slotted holes that limit adjustments in both length and width. The DecoBros model was also difficult to put together and too small—it didn't extend far enough below a row of men's shirts to allow them to hang freely. Finally, nosotros tried a double-hang rod from Umbra but were unable to test it at all because the ii-piece rod kept falling apart, as several of their negative reviews noted.


Multiple hangers in a birch closet alongside a white shirt.

Photograph: Michael Hession

Our pick

Our experts unanimously agreed that the most efficient manner to maximize space in whatsoever closet is to use slim hangers for apparel. By allowing everything to accept more infinite, slim hangers also assist keep apparel from wrinkling and rumpling in storage. Of the eight hanger styles we initially considered, the ultra-slim Joy Mangano Huggable Hangers were the best based on our tests. They're more customizable than others, available as basic shirt hangers and suit versions, with a bar across the bottom for draping pants. The extra flocked shoulder shapers go along hangers from poking the shoulders of jackets and sweaters, and there's also a hanger choice for your belts and ties that'due south just as slim.

Alex used the Mangano hangers in her small closet for iii years and found they were sturdier and of better quality than other slim, velvet-flocked hangers she'd tried. She peculiarly liked that the hangers' gentle slope prevented the shoulders of her shirts from creasing. And these hangers are perfectly sized to fit inside near garment bags, making it piece of cake to pack for a trip. Online reviews are also overwhelmingly positive, many stating that the Mangano hangers visibly save infinite and are better than competitors at preventing clothing from slipping off.

We too like Studio 3B Slim Grips Hangers, which are a better option if you're hesitant virtually a velvety coating. They have metal hooks and plastic bodies with built-in grips, and then shirts won't slide around, and because they're waterproof, they'll work well if you want to hang-dry laundry.

Four empty MAWA Space-Saving Hangers hang in a closet.

Photograph: Michael Hession

Upgrade pick

MAWA Space-Saving Hangers are a infinite-saving hanger with an elegant, continuous steel rod design that volition terminal years. Their anti-slip PVC-coating (available in several colors) keeps even the slinkiest clothes from falling to the floor. We like the variety of hanger styles, too, including the "Euro," whose downturned arc shape prevents shoulder denting in knit fabrics; the "Silhouette," with the more well-known shoulder-shaped profile; a pant hanger; and a hanger for draping scraves, belts, or ties. The standard "Euro" style comes to about $35 for a gear up of 10, or a bit less than $iii.50 per hanger—compared with near $0.90 per hanger for our top pick, the Joy Mangano. But we retrieve that the steel material, sleek pattern, and long-term immovability make this a worthwhile investment, if you lot can afford information technology.

Our tester has been using these hangers, in white, for more than than three years, with no sign of wear, gradually replacing older hangers with these infinite-saving ones. They've never observed any sticky residue from the blanket or unusual amounts of creasing. And despite the grippiness of the coating, information technology's easy to slip clothes on and off the hangers.

Too bully

If yous prefer pants-specific hangers that make hanging and removing garments easy, we like The Container Store's Chrome Metal Pant Hangers. (Hanging pants in your closet can free up infinite in a dresser, and apparel volition have significantly fewer wrinkles.) Similar in design to the MAWA pant hanger, these have a PVC nonslip blanket that keeps your pants in identify, but slipping garments on and off is still elementary. The slim contour and minimalist design should fit in perfectly with other shirt or suit hangers, giving your cupboard a clean look. Continue in mind, nonetheless, that the thinner bar may crusade some creasing, unlike bigger, bulkier hanger-bar designs. Unlike other hangers nosotros've tested, these don't exit residue behind on vesture.

Shelf dividers

The Lynk Tall Shelf Dividers on a shelf, keeping a stack of folded clothes organized.

Photo: Michael Hession

Our pick

Shelf dividers are great for making piles of dress or linens tidy and keeping bags separated and upright. They have up less infinite than storage bins and continue everything visible, something our experts highly encouraged. Afterward considering 12 and testing five, we honey the Lynk Alpine Shelf Dividers because they have the best design, are made of a heavy gauge coated steel, and are the sturdiest we found. And because of their slim profile, these shelf dividers won't take upwardly any extra infinite.

When we clipped the Lynk dividers onto our shelves, they hands stood upward straight, with no adjustment necessary. Many of the other options nosotros tried proved unstable and weak. Merely the Lynk dividers felt far more secure on the shelf, and the metal was much stronger than acrylic versions. 1 staff member who has owned the Lynk dividers for several years reports that the dividers have held up well and kept their closet "at-home and organized." Another tester has been using them to organize beefy sweaters and sweatshirts for almost a twelvemonth and says they've managed to go along formerly unruly piles in place. If yous have painted shelves, our testers suggested taking extra care while removing the dividers from shelves, to foreclose paint from chipping from the friction. These dividers will work for shelves up to ¾ inch thick; if you have thicker shelves, become with The Container Store'due south Articulate Shelf Divider, beneath.

The Container Store's clear shelf divider in use on a shelf.

We similar the style The Container Store's Clear Shelf Divider looks, and it works well for thicker shelves. Only it's not quite every bit sturdy every bit the Lynk dividers. Photo: Michael Hession

Also great

For thicker shelves, nosotros recommend The Container Store's Clear Shelf Divider. Information technology easily slipped onto 1-inch-thick shelves in our tests, and though it didn't experience equally stable equally the Lynk divider, it was far better than competing acrylic dividers. It's compatible with Elfa shelves, also available at The Container Store. A valet hook on the front of the organizer provides a nice identify to hang a pocketbook, tomorrow's outfit, or something else you lot want to have readily on hand in your closet.

We also tested clear acrylic dividers from Cq acrylic and StorageAid, merely both felt flimsy, and we think our other picks (particularly the Lynk dividers) will last longer.

Drawer organizers

An overview of white drawer organizers in use in a drawer.

Photo: Michael Hession

Our pick

Dividing your drawer with organizers can help proceed folded habiliment organized or socks and underwear from getting jumbled. Later on researching sixteen and testing five sets of drawer organizers, we recommend Punch's Dream Drawer Organizers. They took upward less room, stayed more firmly in place, and were easier to adjust than the competition. These were the simply drawer organizers nosotros saw that included pieces to subdivide drawers both vertically and horizontally, a characteristic we loved.

We love how the Dream Drawer Organizers use a leap-loaded panel to expand and contract, so they fit snugly in a variety of drawer sizes. Video: Michael Hession

The plastic Dream Drawer Organizers use a spring-loaded machinery that adjusts to fit drawers from 12 to eighteen inches deep and at to the lowest degree 4 inches high. (You lot can also purchase smaller dividers that adhere perpendicularly, to farther subdivide the space.) Wide supporting T-shaped panels at either cease help the Dream Drawer dividers stay in place, without taking up as well much drawer infinite, making them like shooting fish in a barrel to sideslip in and out if you demand to rearrange. (In long-term testing, we've establish that this blueprint will occasionally snag fabric while arranging our wearing apparel.) They besides used space more efficiently than the box organizers we tried, giving us multiple ways to take reward of every inch of our drawers.

The Open Spaces Drawer Dividers divide up clothes in an open drawer.

Photo: Open Spaces

Upgrade selection

At less than an inch thick, the Open Spaces Drawer Dividers are non as space-efficient equally our top option, but there's a reason: They're made of solid ash. The dividers piece of work in drawers at to the lowest degree 3½ inches high and adjust to between 11 and 17 inches in depth—an inch shorter than the Dream Drawer Organizers. In testing, the jump-loaded mechanism worked smoothly, without forcing, but with plenty resistance to stay firmly in place once inserted in the drawer. Silicone terminate caps aid the divider grip and stay in place without wobbling. The real upgrade is aesthetic—the attractive ash wood—but too functional: Since all edges are sanded to a bend, even delicate fabrics won't snag in the drawer.

These dividers might non exist practical if y'all really need to salve space, due to their thickness. Sold in a set of 2, Open up Spaces Drawer Dividers come to virtually $25 each, and so they may as well be toll-prohibitive, peculiarly if you demand them for multiple drawers. Only if you're able to spend more and want to avoid plastic, these are solid wood, attractive, and durable. We've been testing them for more than a twelvemonth, and they've shown no clothing and remain springy and grippy, needing only an occasional nudge back into place. If you're non sure you want to commit, Open Spaces offers free, no-questions-asked returns for thirty days.

Claw racks

A row of hooks installed on a wooden closet wall.

Photo: Michael Hession

Our pick

We considered a range of racks for keeping ties, belts, scarves, and necklaces organized in a tight space, and the InterDesign Axis 8-Hook Wall-Mounted Rack was the best. It's well constructed, with hooks that are each deep enough to concord multiple items but spaced far enough apart that smaller accessories shouldn't be crowded. At merely 18¼ inches wide, this hook rack is a nice option if you're looking for an efficient way to bargain with odds and ends inside or outside the closet. Ane owner mentions in a review on The Container Store's site that the anchors that come up with this rack aren't the best; if yous notice the prepackaged option unsatisfactory or don't have a stud in your closet, we recommend these drywall anchors.

Also groovy

For storing towels, robes, and other items on the back of a door, we similar the Spectrum Duchess Over the Door v-Hook Rack. This rack is solidly built, with large oval nubs at the cease of each hook to keep clothing firmly in place. The shine metallic won't damage frail fabrics. When we tested this rack for our guide to gear for small apartments, we found that information technology hung hands over our tester's 1½-inch-thick door with ¼ inch of overhang; it wiggled a little, although not and then much as to annoy her. Some online commenters mutter that the bracket makes it hard to shut the door, only, depending on the clearance between the door and the frame, this could happen with any over-the-door rack. Nosotros've also been long-term testing this rack since 2015, and information technology has held up well.

The Yamazaki Home Over-the-Door Hanger sits over a door with one sweater hanging off of it.

Photo: Michael Hession

Also great

The steel Yamazaki Home Over-the-Door Hanger makes efficient apply of infinite, is of high quality, and will blend with virtually decor, thanks to its simple design. A pulverisation blanket of white or black keeps edges smoothen, protecting frail items like scarves. Its five hooks hang just over ii inches from the top of the door, keeping items upwardly and out of the mode. In our testing, it fit securely over bedroom, bathroom, and cupboard doors, without wiggling, but its 1⅜-inch width means it may non fit thicker doors. As with our other over-the-door rack pick, the Spectrum Duchess, with this i not every door will exist able to close, depending on clearance between the door and its frame; this is true for any rack of this type. With but over 2 inches in between each claw, this rack is all-time for smaller items similar baseball game hats, face masks, and tote bags.

Shoe rack

Our experts told us that shoes were one of the biggest culprits of clutter in the closet—people often own too many pairs and don't classify enough storage for them. Visibility is key, as Naeemah Ford Goldson urges—so you know what shoes y'all ain and can better access them.

Four pairs of shoes sitting on our pick for best shoe rack.

Photo: Rozette Rago

Our option

After thirty hours of researching shoe racks and testing 18, we think the Seville Classics 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe Rack is the all-time for small closets where you need to maximize floor infinite. Information technology's the most stable freestanding rack we tried, still it assembled rapidly and without tools. Simply fold open the steel frame and snap the shelves into place.

The Seville holds more than pairs than many racks we considered, and it is more customizable. You tin can easily stack two or more racks vertically or connect them horizontally, and the removable shelves mean information technology can fit taller boots that other racks can't manage. No other model nosotros tested made it as simple to store so many unlike shoe sizes and styles together. For more ideas about organizing shoes, see our full guide to shoe racks.

The Yamazaki Home Tower Shoe Rack sits in an entryway with shoes on its metal shelves.

Photo: Yamazaki

Upgrade pick

Durable and minimalist, compact yet capacious, the Yamazaki Home Belfry Shoe Rack looks more like a article of furniture than your average shoe rack, due to its powder-coated steel design and ash veneer top. The price tag reflects this: At $125, this is far from a budget solution. But if you're able to make the investment, this is a shoe rack that won't end up as a curbside donation, and information technology is versatile, uncomplicated, and durable enough that information technology should last years. Its five shelves, plus space on the floor beneath, will comfortably concord eighteen to 24 shoes, depending on their size and style, and the forest height makes an attractive shelf for belts, wallets, and other items.

The rack assembles chop-chop but volition crave a screwdriver. We've been testing this for more than two years, and information technology never feels rickety or unstable, despite the steel's slenderness. The open design is space-efficient—your shoes straddle 2 lateral steel bars for each "shelf"—which means that the rack can as well double as a hanger. In our tests, we have used it for more than shoes, draping jeans and bulky sweaters for easy access. But the blueprint does mean that y'all won't exist able to use this in a child'south cupboard, since tiny shoes will tumble downwards.

The Yamazaki Home Tower Shoe Rack Tall sits in a hallway with a single pair of shoes on each level.

Photo: Yamazaki

Also slap-up

For the smallest spaces, nosotros similar the "tall" version of the Yamazaki Home Tower Shoe Rack, which houses five pairs of shoes simply volition take up the floor space of merely one. The sparse, powder-coated steel frame ensures that the rack won't take up more infinite than it needs to in tight corners, and it comes to only 2½ anxiety tall. In testing, the rectangular-shaped base gives the rack a sturdy footing, and the U-shape construction doubles as a handle, should you need one. The rack assembles quickly but requires a screwdriver to attach the two halves.

The IKEA Boaxel closet organization system shown in a bedroom closet

Photo: IKEA

In a closet that needs structure, calculation a system—whether installed or modular—is a game-changing style to use vertical space, eliminate clutter, and fit more of your stuff. Naeemah Ford Goldson says customizing with a system is the best way to make sure your closet works for yous, "instead of you having to work effectually what yous inherited with your closet." Renters can consider this, as well, thanks to freestanding products. Professional person organizer Toni Hammersley told us that any type of storage would exist better than none, and that there's no demand to overspend if you don't have the budget. "There are inexpensive systems on the market," she says, and if you don't want to permanently attach a system to a wall, even a bookshelf will assistance to hold bins and containers.

Although we didn't bring closet systems in for testing, we did spend about xi hours researching them online and in stores. We paid attention to the quality of the materials, the construction (upward close), how they were installed, the availability, any extra accessories, and the price. All of our picks (with the exception of IKEA's new Boaxel arrangement) are also used past Wirecutter staffers, so we were able to get feedback about how well they've worked and held upwardly over time.

Bang-for-your-cadet closet organization

Our pick

IKEA Boaxel

Best affordable closet system

If you're on a budget, this system lets you start small-scale and build over time. It's better fabricated than wire systems we've seen at other big-box stores, and there are plenty of components to mix and lucifer.

Ownership Options

Of the closet systems we've considered, IKEA'southward wall-mounted Boaxel cupboard organisation has the best combination of easy customization, low price, and availability. As of April 2022, the Boaxel cupboard system's availability continues to vary heavily past location (most likely due to ongoing supply-chain challenges), but it seems to be getting ameliorate. (Before heading to an IKEA store, it's always a good thought to check the product page's "check in-store availability" tool to salvage yourself a frustrating trip.) Information technology's IKEA's replacement for its well-liked Algot system, our erstwhile option that was discontinued in 2020. Because of the pandemic, we've been unable to test the Boaxel in person (simply we programme to).

We did visit an IKEA store to look at the new system up close, and information technology appears to be just every bit functional and customizable as the Algot. There are enough of like add-ons available, like pants hangers, drying racks, and shoe storage, although there is only one shelf depth bachelor for the Boaxel system, whereas the Algot had two. The systems are very similar, but they are not compatible with each other, if y'all're hoping to expand your existing Algot setup. Different the Algot system, which was popular with several of our staff members, nosotros don't accept a lot of reviews and feedback for the Boaxel yet, although this Reddit thread was helpful. Nosotros nonetheless think the Boaxel system volition meet a lot of the same needs that the Algot did. The Boaxel arrangement has its own baskets, only information technology's also meant to be combined with the new Jonaxel line of mesh baskets and frames, to add more modular storage options. (Equally of this writing, several Jonaxel products are out of stock at many national locations, and so brand sure you check availability before making the trip to IKEA.) You can use information technology in a closet as a drawer/rod system, or around your habitation for wall-shelf storage. If yous accept a closet that's dark, i of our senior editors recommends adding the Norrfly LED light strip for actress illumination.

The Boaxel arrangement is slightly more expensive than the Algot—nigh $20 more for this basic 4-foot-wide kit, which is similar to the Algot system we used to recommend. But nosotros also considered wire cupboard systems, like this Rubbermaid Fast Track kit, from big-box stores such as Lowe'south and Home Depot, and for roughly the aforementioned cost, the Boaxel arrangement comes with baskets, a rod, and shelves, instead of shelves alone. The construction and materials are also better. We've had several wire systems from brands like ClosetMaid and Rubbermaid, and the metallic edges are not as smoothly finished; Jackie has cut herself on them more one time during installation.

We dearest the Boaxel system's sleek look and thoughtful blueprint details, such as the steel mesh that makes the contents visible and allows air to circulate. Photo: IKEA

In our initial testing for this guide, nosotros wanted to find an affordable choice that was besides widely bachelor, and we found that IKEA was the all-time brand for a DIY closet organization, if you think you'll want to expand on information technology down the line. ClosetMaid and Rubbermaid systems can be really confusing to buy; each brand offers several dissimilar systems that seem interchangeable only aren't necessarily uniform. Some are sold simply in-store, some only online, and it can be hard to tell whether they'll work together until you get them home. Unless you notation your verbal purchase location and model name (and it's still bachelor), you lot may discover that the components you lot desire to add together only don't fit. IKEA'south Boaxel and Jonaxel lines are bachelor in-store and online, and they volition ever work together. One of our senior staff writers bought a ClosetMaid system to organize his pantry and also said it was disruptive to install. We haven't heard the same complaints nigh IKEA's systems.

If the IKEA Boaxel system doesn't work for you, the next best we've plant is the ClosetMaid ShelfTrack system. The ShelfTrack line is somewhat more available than other systems we saw, the white wire shelves wait a bit more than uniform, and owner reviews suggest that extra components are easier to find. After examining several models in stores, nosotros liked ClosetMaid systems more overall than Rubbermaid systems—they looked better constructed and seemed to accept more options. Yet, we found that ClosetMaid systems lacked both the quality and configurability of an IKEA organization.

Investment cupboard arrangement

Our pick

We love The Container Store's Elfa closet system for its quality materials, its high-finish look, its versatility, and the ease of The Container Store'southward online design tools. The shelves feel sturdier than those of our other picks, the brackets and rails appear more finished around the edges, and the drawers have a smoother glide. Likewise, the wood components we looked at had no visible dings or scratches, something we noticed on almost every big-box-shop closet system we saw. And the Elfa system volition last: We accept staffers who have used the Elfa for years (more than 15 years, in one example), and it even so looks almost new.

The Container Store's Elfa closet system installed in a closet, full of colorful clothes and shoes.

Elfa is the most versatile organisation we considered. Its many available accessories let yous customize nearly any type of closet, and it has the most options for colors and finishes. Photo: The Container Shop

Consultants in-store can help yous design your closet, but The Container Shop'southward online design tool is so much fun—it's more intuitive and easier to use than IKEA'south online designer, and it offers more customization choices. Y'all can buy the components and install them yourself, or pay an additional installation fee (which starts at $180).

As much equally we like Elfa, it's expensive. A basic, 3-foot-broad wire-shelf system typically costs more than $550 and really pulls ahead of our other closet-arrangement picks with its forest components, which start closer to $1,000. In our research we institute that the Elfa was still more straightforward and probably less expensive than custom closet systems, which are like buying a automobile—the truthful prices are hard to find without talking to a salesperson, and they change depending on where yous live and what's available. The Elfa organization is easier to toll and buy. Still, for you lot to go the most value for your money, we recall it makes sense to invest in an Elfa arrangement simply if y'all plan to live in your space for at to the lowest degree five years.

Modular cupboard system

Our option

If you want a modular arrangement of cubbies and shelves that don't crave drilling into your walls, nosotros like ClosetMaid's Stackable Storage Organizers because they're of ameliorate quality and accept more pieces bachelor than other modular systems we considered. They're typically easier to discover in stores, and the pieces are solid (although non as polished equally those of the other systems nosotros recommend). They are easy to confuse with ClosetMaid's Cubeicals, though, and we haven't tested that organisation to know whether the 2 are compatible with each other. The organisation includes shoe cubbies, drawers, and shelves, plus diverse cubby units that you tin can mix and match to get the setup you demand. It doesn't include a closet rod, though, then you may want to keep the one you take and utilize these freestanding pieces to maximize the flooring space.

ClosetMaid's stackable system is usually is readily available at the visitor's own website, Home Depot, Lowe'southward, Staples, and Target. We think this stackable system is like shooting fish in a barrel to expand if you need to add components, specially since the line has been effectually for several years and hasn't inverse. What's available now will probably still be available in a year or 2.

Jackie used an older version of this same system for xi years in her own closet and sewing studio. And though the laminate particle lath isn't as solid equally Elfa shelves and drawers, this system does last, and it gets the job done.

What about IKEA Pax?

If you're willing to DIY it, IKEA's Pax wardrobe offers some interesting opportunities for creating built-ins for your closet. The Pax is technically a wardrobe meant to stand lonely outside a closet, merely we've seen groovy examples of people hacking units to create more-functional closets. Some of our readers recommended this choice as an culling to an installed system. It takes a fiddling actress work to fix the wardrobe in a closet, only when done well, a Pax hack can look very make clean and streamlined. Owner reviews are generally potent; people say they similar the wardrobe's tall summit and the number of options bachelor to configure the inside. We likewise talked to Wirecutter staffers who apply and like the Pax.

What to look frontwards to: We plan to test Kepsuul, a stand up-lonely closet organizing organisation sold directly-to-consumer online and through Lowe's, Home Depot, Amazon, and Wayfair.

Earlier ownership bins, take stock of what y'all want to put in them, Katrina Green says. If yous skip this step, "yous defeat the purpose of allowing yourself to create a organization that you tin stick to," she says, and you might end up adding to your clutter. In one case you've taken inventory and figured out what you demand, these bins and bags will proceed your winter bedding or your summer wearing apparel organized and packed neatly away until y'all need them.

Nether-bed bins

A Container Store Clear Weathertight Tote full of clothes.

Photo: Michael Hession

Our pick

Affordable and airtight, a trusty, under-bed bin is shallow plenty to stow under a bed to maximize storage space. Of the 12 nether-bed bins we researched and the 5 nosotros tested, we call up The Container Shop's 41-Qt Clear Weathertight Tote is the best. Information technology's fabricated of thicker plastic and has a sturdier lid. Six latches located effectually the entire bin (not merely at the ends, as on other bins) keep the lid securely fastened. It was the only bin nosotros tested that gave us confidence it would protect against moths or h2o sneaking in (although we didn't specifically test for those conditions). One of our editors used Articulate Weathertight Totes for a cross-country motility to protect items she didn't trust hauling in a cardboard box, and the bins worked perfectly.

We tested the eight-inch tall 41-quart size, the biggest Clear Weathertight Tote that would fit nether well-nigh beds (at eight inches tall, it will require at least 8 ½ inches of clearance for smooth admission). But smaller, 19-quart and xxx-quart sizes (both the same eight-inch peak) are also bachelor. The 41-quart tote is small-scale for an under-bed box, merely the size made it easy to carry when filled and to slide out from under a bed with a 9-inch clearance. At 8 inches tall, these bins were taller than others nosotros tried, only the extra top allowed more than room for bulkier blankets and outerwear. Larger under-bed bins tin be unruly to use in a tight bedroom—the largest we tested was wider than a twin bed by about 5 inches, leaving exposed sides to trip over. We thought the bigger boxes weren't as piece of cake to utilise as the smaller Clear Weathertight Tote. For closet storage, The Container Shop offers the Clear Weathertight Tote in several larger and deeper sizes. We as well recommend a few other airtight options in our guide to storage containers.

Storage bins

The Open Spaces The Bin Trio containers sit together in a corner.

Photo: Michael Hession

Also smashing

Open Spaces The Bin Trio

Bins y'all can leave out

If you don't need something with airtight sealing, effort these storage bins, which come in multiple sizes. They offer roomy, stackable storage, and they await nice enough to go on in plain sight.

Buying Options

If you don't need airtight storage containers, or you lot're seeking bins to access items more frequently, we like the Open Spaces bins, made of durable difficult plastic and available with plastic or wooden lids (or without lids). The bins are bachelor in three sizes—minor, medium, and large—with the largest coming to a surprisingly generous 17½ inches by about 11½ inches, and 8½ inches high. The medium and big sizes take cut-outs for hand-holds on each short end, providing a skilful grip for toting from identify to identify, even when filled with heavy items. The cream-colored, opaque heavy-duty plastic conceals the contents, keeping clutter out of sight, merely you tin can label the bins on the hand-holds to ensure nothing is out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

We haven't tested the bins with plastic lids, just the wooden lids feel solid and of high quality. They fit neatly on peak without sliding, and are easy to wipe clean, thanks to their smoothly sanded texture. Nosotros've been testing these wood-topped bins in multiple sizes for about a year, using the smallest ones for footling bedside items, the largest to hold exercise bands and weights, and the medium i to shop a wearable iron and steamer. We haven't noticed much dust accumulation within, perhaps due to frequent use or to the small cutout openings. Still, these are by no ways airtight, and we wouldn't recommend storing anything you desire to continue dust-costless, particularly for those with grit mite allergies. Nosotros call back they're ideal for beefy, odd-shaped things that yous might not want to run into and are hard to stow in traditional shelving.

Six HAY Colour Storage Boxes in a variety of colors sit on two shelves.

Photograph: HAY Blueprint

Also great

HAY Colour Storage Box

Colorful storage boxes

These vibrantly hued boxes are perfect for holding keepsake items, love messages, scarves, hats, and quondam mix tapes. They come up in multiple sizes, are sturdy, and stay shut with a magnetic chapeau.

Buying Options

$14* from Hay

*At the fourth dimension of publishing, the price was $10 .

Sometimes it'south the little, random things that contribute the well-nigh to a sense of disorder: the sunglasses, sentimental postcards, wintertime gloves, and scarves that litter the floor of a closet or the elevation of a dresser. In those cases, it's nice to have catch-all containers that still experience special and go far easy to access what'due south inside. With their glossy, high-saturation colors, the HAY Color Storage Boxes are like the Trojan horse of storage: They offer plenty of room to stash smaller items, all nether the guise of decor. This is a plus for small-scale spaces, where you lot may not e'er have the extra cupboard space to tuck bins and boxes out of sight. The boxes are made from heavyweight recycled paper-thin, finished with a high-gloss color, and come in multiple sizes, the largest being 16½ inches by 13.5 inches, and 5 inches loftier.

We like that these evangelize apartment. To get together, you remove the 3M sticker backing at four corners and fold the paper-thin up along pre-scored lines, like origami, holding the viscous corners in identify for a couple of seconds until secure. In our testing, the boxes are sturdy, even when stacked, thanks to the rigidity of folded cardboard in the corners. But we recommend holding the bottom of the boxes when transporting them from place to identify if they're filled with anything heavy (years of writing journals, for instance). They're available in rectangular or round versions (the latter reminiscent of hat boxes), and they snap shut with a satisfying magnetic hat.

Blanket bags

A blanket stored in a Misslo Folding Breathable Jumbo Storage Bag cube.

Photo: Michael Hession

Our choice

Blanket bags protect your bedding from dust and damage while it's stored away. These bags are less of a hassle to open and close than a vacuum-sealing space bag, and they're more generously sized than many hard storage bins nosotros've looked at, and so they hold bulkier bedding with ease. We researched 12 bags and tested ii, and our favorite is the Misslo Folding Breathable Jumbo Storage Handbag.

The Misslo bag was the about hassle-complimentary to become a king-size comforter into, thank you to a tiptop that zipped open on three sides. The bags are made with a thick material, which allows them to stand up upwards on their own, and they have a sturdy zipper. In our testing we were able to unfold, unzip, and fill the Misslo numberless in less time than nosotros did The Container Shop's Natural Cotton/PEVA Storage Bags. Jackie's been testing the Misslo bags for three summers to store her winter bedding off-flavour, and they nevertheless look new. It's a breeze to access their contents when she suddenly needs to grab a blanket on a dank night.

The prepare of two Misslo bags includes two sizes. We tested the larger handbag (28 by 20½ by 15¾ inches) with our bulkiest bedding and all the same had room to throw in the duvet cover and some sheets. We remember the smaller bag (24½ by 18 by 12½ inches) would work well for seasonal kids bedding and guest bedding.

Compression storage numberless

Clothes stored in a SpaceSaver Vacuum Storage Bag

Photo: Michael Hession

Our pick

Although we by and large prefer plastic bins or coating numberless for storing clothes and bedding, vacuum bags can be a decent option if your storage is tight. After researching 18 vacuum bags and testing three, we recommend SpaceSaver Vacuum Storage Bags. They shrank more and faster, looked ameliorate, and held their seal amend than the balance.

We tested the colossal-size bags, which are 30 by forty inches and could hold a queen-size comforter or several pillows. They shrank down significantly faster and looked flatter than the Vacwel Jumbo Vacuum Storage Bags we tested in a similar size (30 by 43 inches). We filled both bags to the same height with fluffy bedding, pillows, and clothes, and the SpaceSaver numberless compressed by a piddling over sixty%; the Vacwel bags compressed by merely almost 50% (in our testing neither achieved the 75% to 80% reduction they advertised). We reused all the bags nosotros tested, and they compressed dorsum downwards to roughly the same size. Since our original testing, we've used the SpaceSaver bags in a cross-country motion and to pack several boxes for shipping, and they've held their seal through four or five repeated uses.

Jackie has used these bags since 2018 to ship exam bedding around the land for photography, donations, or returns to companies, and she's never received a complaint that products arrived dirty, wet, or otherwise damaged. She likewise used them for a cross-land motility and reported that although they were fine overall, subsequently a few months in storage, some bags lost their vacuum seal. She'd stored the bags—compressed and sealed—in plastic bins, and we recommend that you practise the same because almost all vacuum bags eventually lose their seal.

Also groovy

Of the 3 compression bags we tested, Acrodo's Space Saver Compression Bags were the easiest to apply—rather than dragging out the vacuum, y'all simply roll the air out and seal. They compressed by about 50% and held that compression for our 24-60 minutes examination. They shrank plenty to be helpful in the brusk term for creating extra space in a storage box and protecting clothes from the elements, and we had no problem reusing and resealing them.

We tested the smaller size, which was easier to compress—the fuller the bag, the harder it is to scroll them. And so, different the SpaceSaver bags, these aren't a nifty pick for storing big bedding.

This commodity was edited by Daniela Gorny and Christine Ryan.

  1. Beth Penn, home organizer and founder of Bneato Bar, phone interview , November xvi, 2017

  2. Toni Hammersley, author of The Complete Book of Dwelling house Organization and blogger at A Bowl Full of Lemons, email interview , Nov 17, 2017

  3. Julie Morgenstern, home organizer and author of several books including Organizing From the Inside Out, telephone interview , November twenty, 2017

  4. Sharon Lowenheim, professional organizer and founder of Organizing Goddess, phone interview , November 21, 2017

  5. Debbie Harwin, professional organizer and possessor/president of I Need My Space, phone interview , November 21, 2017


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