Retrospective Review of a Product or a Service Is

Sprint review and sprint retrospective may sound a flake similar, particularly if you're but starting to utilise scrum as your Agile production management framework. Fifty-fifty experienced scrum teams sometimes don't know the difference and either run but one of the meetings, or worse: merge them into some weird and oftentimes detrimental combination.

But at that place'due south a huge difference between the sprint review and sprint retrospective because both meetings serve completely different purposes.

In a nutshell, the sprint review is almost the product, while the sprint retrospective is about the team. While the sprint review helps y'all to regularly run across customer expectations, retrospectives allows scrum teams to become faster, smarter, and even happier. And that's just scratching the surface.The sprint review is nearly the product, while the sprint retrospective is well-nigh the team.

Focus on the process and deliverables for every meeting, and the sky is the limit to how productive and engaged your team can get.

Allow'due south dive into the whole scrum sprint review vs dart retrospective confusion and acquire what makes both meetings uniquely useful and integral to the scrum framework.

The sprint review is 1 of the five pivotal scrum ceremonies. It is held at the terminate of each scrum dart. During the sprint review, the scrum development team, product owner, and business stakeholders get together together to hash out the sprint results.

Some scrum teams mistakenly label the sprint review meetings as a "demo" or "show and tell" coming together where they demonstrate and list out what was achieved during the dart, only demonstration is just ane aspect to this Agile ceremony.

The whole coming together is timeboxed to last from one to four hours, depending on how long your sprints are. For example, if you are using ane-calendar week sprints, the coming together should last no longer than one hour, and if yous're using sprints that last a month, the dart review should last no more than 4 hours.

The sprint review consists of iii every bit important parts:

Dart Review Part #i: Demonstration

During the demonstration part, the development team presents what was done during the dart.The nature of scrum dictates that the team can only present finished products or product increments that are ready to be put onto production.

For a less technical product, or less technical stakeholders,  a product possessor may demonstrate the dart results instead of the developers.

Sprint Review Part #2: Discussion With Business Stakeholders

Later on the evolution squad or the product possessor presents the results of the sprint, the business stakeholders requite their feedback to and enquire questions about the finished production or increment to the scrum team.

Here are three primary goals the sprint review discussion should accomplish:

  • Progress overview. The scrum squad helps stakeholders to understand what was done during the sprint, and what was not completed (where relevant). They may also want to offer some level of explanation around why the sprint goal was not met (for case external factors became a blocker to them).
  • Extended business context for developers. Business concern stakeholders and the production owner share with the developers the current marketplace mural and client insights to hint at what might be the adjacent evolution goals.
  • Motivation for scrum team. When stakeholders provide developers with feedback and customer insights they motivate scrum teams to perform even meliorate, showing that their work has affect and meaning.

During the sprint review discussion, business organisation stakeholders may also provide boosted context for developers in terms of general timeline, budget, and capabilities. This tin exist done to help the scrum team amend empathise their development environment and enhance their efficiency.

Sprint Review Part #three: Product Excess Update

During or after the sprint review discussion the product owner may update the product backlog, prioritizing user stories, updating their descriptions, adding new user stories, or removing them from the product backlog birthday.

Updating the product excess and discussing priorities during the dart review certainly affects what the scrum team will be working on during the next development cycles every bit the team usually works on the user stories  with the highest priority.

The dart retrospective is also one of the core scrum ceremonies, and simply similar the dart review information technology's conducted later the sprint is finished, and this means 'actually finished', then afterwards the dart review too.

But this is where the similarities betwixt the sprint review and dart retrospective cease, considering the sprint retrospective has completely different objectives.During the sprint retrospective, the scrum team  gets together to inspect their means of working during the concluding dart, and decide how they tin can improve during the side by side sprint.

In order to exercise that, one of the most common ways to construction a dart retrospective is to have every team member answer the following questions:

  • What went well?
  • What did non go so well?
  • What actions need to be taken to improve?

But but answering the questions won't make your team more productive. You need to keep your retrospectives actionable and engaging, and to-the-point.

The goal here is to receive honest feedback from every squad member on every question and then turn this feedback into an action list containing specific steps that the team intends to take to raise their performance during the adjacent dart.

For case, during the retrospective you learnt that the team think they might take a problem with unexpected work: that they couldn't run into the sprint goal considering a lot of unexpected piece of work was coming in from outside the team.

Knowing that the team wants to become smart on this, the Scrum Main might create an action detail to record details of any unexpected requests in the next sprint so that the squad have the data to know where information technology's coming from and what the touch on is. A follow-up action might then be to come up with processes or agreements to reduce that unexpected piece of work.

Unfortunately, some scrum teams tend to skip retrospective meetings for the very same reason: they struggle to make them actionable.

But there are several other reasons why teams often skip this coming together:

  • It becomes more of an argument (finger pointing session) between the squad members. This makes it an unpleasant session and people no longer want to attend.
  • The deportment from terminal time aren't carried out, so people think information technology's a waste of time to make the list.
  • The format gets repetitive and boring, and information technology no longer gets the all-time out of the team when it comes to them coming up with ideas on how to improve.
  • It frequently overruns and the team think it's also much of a time investment. They'd rather be getting on with the job.

For all these reasons, experienced scrum teams often plough to online retrospective tools or blogs and forums etc. for ideas on how to organize their retrospective meetings, go on them productive, and higher up all keep them engaging for the team. If your team is remotely distributed and uses Slack, ane of the most effective ways to conduct actionable retrospectives is to run them directly in your Slack channel.

For example, Geekbot allows every team member to answer the retrospective questions mentioned above in Slack (either anonymously or not) and and then automatically stores all the answers in the dedicated Slack channel where you tin analyse them.

With Geekbot you lot can likewise customise questions to ameliorate fit your team civilisation. Yous tin can add additional questions, make them more specific, or experiment with the format to make your retrospectives more engaging.

For example, instead of asking "What did non go then well?", you can try asking "What was the biggest claiming during the last dart?"

Deviation Between Dart Review and Retrospective

By now it should exist apparent that the sprint review and sprint retrospective serve completely different purposes.Only let's cover in particular the departure between the dart retrospective and the sprint review beyond three different dimensions.

Sprint Retrospective vs Dart Review Difference #ane: Participants

The first thing you find when conducting both meetings is that the sprint review involves nigh anyone related to the product, whereas the dart retrospective is a ceremony for the scrum team alone, with no input from whatsoever other 3rd parties.

  • Sprint Review participants: Scrum squad (including the scrum master and product possessor), various business stakeholders
  • Dart Retrospective participants: Scrum team (including the scrum master and product owner)

Sprint Retrospective vs Sprint Review Departure #2: Deliverables

Although both meetings are held after the dart ends, the outputs of each meeting vary greatly.

  • Dart review output: updated product excess with the top priority user stories for the development team to piece of work on at the top
  • Sprint retrospective output: action list with specific steps to better team ways of working during the next sprint

Dart Retrospective vs Sprint Review Difference #iii: Goals

  • Sprint review purpose: alignment between the scrum team and product stakeholders, and provide the scrum squad with a general path for evolution
  • Sprint retrospective purpose: consistently amend scrum squad performance from sprint to dart

Making The Most Out Of Both Meetings

The easiest style to make the virtually out of these 2 scrum ceremonies is not to merge them together. Each meeting, both the dart retrospective and review, has its clear purpose and agenda. Both of these meetings ensure that the scrum team operates at their fullest potential, but they practice that in their own, unique way. Focus on the procedure and deliverables for every meeting, and the sky is the limit to how productive and engaged your squad can become.

If yous want to run effective scrum retrospectives and daily standups directly through  Slack and keep your level of team collaboration and engagement at an best high, try the 30-twenty-four hours trial Geekbot.

We adult Geekbot to keep our own remote distributed squad happy and effective, and now thousands of teams all effectually the world trust Geekbot to exercise the same for them!

Frequently asked questions

What is Sprint review and retrospective?

Sprint review is a meeting at the end of a Scrum Sprint cycle where Scrum squad members audit what was done during the last Sprint and update their product backlog. Dart retrospective is a structured coming together at the end of the Sprint where the Scrum squad discusses their performance and ways of improving information technology.

What is the divergence between Sprint Review & Retrospective?

The main focus of a Sprint Review meeting is a working product increase, delivered during the Sprint, and, subsequently, the update of a product excess. In other words, Dart Review focuses on WHAT was done. A retrospective meeting's main focus is a team and its functioning, hence why retrospective discussions often go out of telescopic of a product and focus on HOW the work was done.

How long should a sprint retrospective accept?

A sprint retrospective duration depends on the duration of a sprint and ranges from 45 minutes to iii hours. It'due south generally accustomed to add 45 minutes for every week of a sprints' length. For example, if your team follows ii-week sprints, your retrospectives' duration should be around an hr and a half.


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