An Upgrade From yakkety to artful Is Not Supported With This Tool

Ubuntu xviii.04 LTS (codenamed "Bionic Beaver") stable version has been released. It will exist supported for 5 years until April 2023.

In this commodity, we will explain how to upgrade to Ubuntu eighteen.04 Bionic Beaver from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 17.10.

What'south New in Ubuntu 18.04

Before nosotros proceed to the upgrade instructions, allow'south look at some of the base organisation new features and changes in 18.04:

  • Ships in with Linux kernel 4.fifteen.
  • OpenJDK 10 is the default JRE/JDK.
  • Gcc is at present set to default to compile applications.
  • The default CIFS/SMB protocol version alter in CIFS mounts.
  • Supports mitigations to protect against Spectre and Meltdown.
  • Commodities and thunderbolt-tools have been promoted to primary.
  • Libteam which is available in the Network director, offers teaming back up.
  • Systemd-resolved is the default resolver.
  • ifupdown has been deprecated in favor of, in new installs.
  • networkctl control can be used to view a summary of network devices.
  • GPG binary is provided by gnupg2.
  • Swap file will be used past default instead of a swap partition, in new installs.
  • Python 2 is no longer comes preinstalled, and Python 3 has been updated to 3.half-dozen.
  • For new installs, the installer no longer offers the encrypted habitation choice using ecryptfs-utils.
  • OpenSSH no longer uses RSA keys smaller than 1024 bits and much more than under desktop and server versions.

Warning: Get-go by backing up your existing Ubuntu installation or of import files (documents, images and many more), earlier performing an upgrade. This is recommended because, sometimes, upgrades exercise non go well equally planned.

A backup volition ensure that your data remains intact, and yous can recover information technology, in case of whatever failures during the upgrade procedure, that could lead to data loss.

Upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop

1. Beginning of all, ensure that your existing Ubuntu system is upwardly-to-appointment, otherwise run the commands beneath to update the apt package source cache and perform an upgrade of installed packages, to the latest versions.

$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade        

And so, restart your system to finish installing the updates.

ii. Next, launch the "Software & Updates" application from Organisation Settings.

Ubuntu Software and Updates
Ubuntu Software and Updates

3. And then click on the third Tab "Updates".

Select Updates
Select Updates

four. Next, On Ubuntu 17.04, set the "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" dropdown carte du jour to "For any new version". Y'all will be asked to authenticate, enter your password to go along. On Ubuntu 16.04, leave this setting to "For long-term support versions".

Notify New Ubuntu Version
Notify New Ubuntu Version

5. Then search for "Software Updater" and launch it or open a concluding and run the update-director command every bit shown.

$ update-director -cd        

The update manager should open up up and inform yous similar this: New distribution release '18.04' is available.

Run Update Manager
Run Update Manager

half dozen. Side by side, click on "Upgrade" and enter your countersign to keep. And then you volition be shown the Ubuntu xviii.04 release notes page. Read through it and click Upgrade.

Upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04
Upgrade to Ubuntu xviii.04

7. At present your upgrade procedure will offset as shown in the following screenshot.

Ubuntu Upgrade Process
Ubuntu Upgrade Procedure

8. Read the details of the upgrade and confirm that you lot want to upgrade by clicking on "Start Upgrade".

Start Ubuntu Upgrade
Start Ubuntu Upgrade

9. In one case you have confirmed that you want the upgrade, the update director will start downloading Ubuntu 18.04 packages as shown in the following screenshot. When all packages have been retrieved, the process can non be canceled. You can click on "Terminal" to see how the upgrade procedure is unfolding.

Downloading Ubuntu 18.04 Packages
Downloading Ubuntu eighteen.04 Packages

10. Afterwards, all the Ubuntu eighteen.04 packages will be installed on the organization (this will take some time), then you will exist asked to either remove or continue obsolete packages. After clean upwardly and restart the system to complete the upgrade.

Restart Ubuntu to Complete Upgrade
Restart Ubuntu to Complete Upgrade

11. Then, you can login and start using Ubuntu eighteen.04 LTS.

Ubuntu 18.04 Login
Ubuntu 18.04 Login
Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop
Ubuntu xviii.04 Desktop
Ubuntu 18.04 Summary
Ubuntu 18.04 Summary

Upgrade to Ubuntu xviii.04 Server

If y'all practise not have physical access to your server, the upgrade can exist performed over SSH, though this method has ane major limitation; in example of loss of connectivity, it is harder to recover. Nonetheless, the GNU screen plan is used to automatically re-attach in case of dropped connectedness problems.

1. Begin by installing the update-manager-core package, if it is non already installed as shown.

$ sudo apt install update-manager-core        

2. Next, ensure that the prompt line in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to normal. If that is the case, launch the upgrade tool with the following command.

$ sudo do-release-upgrade        

3. Then follow the on-screen instructions to continue.

You can find more than information, especially concerning changes in desktop and server releases, from the Ubuntu 18.04 release notes page.

That's It! In this commodity, we accept explained how to upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 17.10. If you accept any queries, reach united states via the feedback form below.

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